Welcome to the Solar2D’s Spine Documentation!¶
This documentation is your comprehensive guide to integrating and using the Spine Plugin within your Solar2D projects. If you’re looking for powerful 2D skeletal animations—complete with mixing, blending, skin switching, and event handling—this plugin is designed to streamline your animation workflow.
Spine (developed by Esoteric Software) is a popular tool for creating 2D skeletal animations. With this plugin, you can seamlessly play back and control Spine animations in your Solar2D games or applications. The result: beautiful and efficient character or UI animations that look great on every device.
How to Get Started¶
Check Spine License Requirements
Make sure you own a valid Spine license if necessary. Esoteric Software offers various Spine license tiers. Confirm you have the permission required to use the runtime.
Install the Plugin
To use this plugin, add an entry into the plugins table of build.settings. When added, the build server will integrate the plugin during the build phase.
settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.spine"] = { publisherId = "com.studycat", }, }, }
Load the Plugin in Your Lua Code
local spine = require("plugin.spine")
Import Your Spine Assets
Put your Spine-generated JSON or binary skeleton files, as well as any atlas/textures, into your project’s resource directory.
Start Animating
Familiarize yourself with the plugin’s core objects (e.g., Skeleton, physics, ik constraints) and methods. These are detailed in the API Reference: Spine Plugin. You’ll learn how to mix animations, update skeleton transforms, change skins, and more.
Differences from the Original Spine Runtime:¶
I built this plugin trying to make a complete integration to the original C++ Runtime. However, there are some key differences to keep in mind:
indexes: Indexes start at
, not0
, including track indexes. Not my favorite change, but I want to prioritize consistency with the language and the engine first, and then with the original runtime.events: Events have been customized to be more Solar2D-friendly. Event phases are
, and"ended"
instead of"start"
, and"end"
. (See spineEvent for more details).times: All times are in milliseconds, not seconds. This is to keep consistency with Solar2D’s time units.
AnimationState: The AnimationState class has been removed. Instead, the Skeleton class has all the necessary methods to control animations.
Key Features¶
Compatibility: The plugin is compatible with Solar2D builds for iOS, Android, macOS and windows.
Performance: Opposite to the old Lua Runtime, this plugin uses native code for optimal rendering and animation performance.
Physics: The plugin uses spine 4.2, which has the new physics system. You can now create physics constraints in Spine and use them in Solar2D.
Documentation Contents¶
Below is a quick look at the main sections of this documentation:
Feedback & Contributions¶
We’re always looking to improve! If you run into any issues or have suggestions:
GitHub: Submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests to the repository.
Community Forums: Join the discussion on the Solar2D Community Forums.
Support: For more direct inquiries, check our Support Guidelines.
This project is subject to the Spine Runtimes License. Feel free to fork or modify the plugin code for your projects, but please respect the license terms.
Thanks to Studycat Limited for supporting me in bringing this project to life while I was working at the company.
Big thanks to Steven Johnson (ggcrunchy) for his unwavering support and contributions.
Thanks to the Esoteric Software team for developing and maintaining Spine.
This plugin is independently maintained and is not officially endorsed by Esoteric Software.
We hope you find this documentation helpful and comprehensive. Let’s get animating with Spine for Solar2D!